세계 스마트워치 점유율(2)
Counterpoint, 2022년 1분기 세계 스마트워치 시장 점유율 순위
https://www.counterpointresearch.com/infographic-smartwatch-market-q1-2022/ Infographic: Smartwatch Market | Q1 2022 | Counterpoint Research The global smartwatch market grew 13% YoY, reaching shipments at 33.7mn units in Q1 2022 and continued double-digit growth for the 5th consecutive quarter. www.counterpointresearch.com 안녕하세요 시장 조사 전문기관인 Counterpoint에서 발표한 2022년 1분기 세계 스마트워치 시장 점유율 순위에 대해서 살..
2022.06.26 -
Counterpoint, 2021년 2분기 세계 스마트워치 시장 점유율 순위
https://www.counterpointresearch.com/ko/smartwatch-market-grows-27-yoy-q2-2021-apple-watch-user-base-crosses-100-million/ Smartwatch Market Grows 27% YoY in Q2 2021; Apple Watch User Base Crosses 100 Million - Counterpoint Research The market grew a healthy 27% YoY, thanks to strong demand for sub-$100 smartwatches. Samsung and Garmin posted remarkable YoY … www.counterpointresearch.com 안녕하세요 시장..